2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
3. Select a digital output if you would like to associate an alarm with a digital
I/O line. The instrument will set the digital I/O line to a TTL logic low for as
long as the alarm conditions is met.
4. Check Use Channel as Alarm Trigger if you would like an alarm condition on
this channel to trigger scanning. (Alarm Trigger must also be enabled in the
Instrument configuration dialog box.)
Assigning Channel Labels 3-31.
To assign a label for any channel, highlight a channel, type a label (15 characters
maximum) in the Channel Label field, and click Apply Label.
Channel labels appear in the Main Window, the Spy Channel Selection dialog
box, Quick Plot Setup, Quick Plot window, and Trend Link chart.
Configuring Mx+B Scaling From a File 3-32.
Complete the following procedure to load Mx+ B values from a file into the
current setup for the selected instrument.
1. Select the desired instrument icon on the Icon Bar.
2. Select Setup | Load Mx+B File to open the Load Mx+B File dialog box.
3. Select the desired Mx+B file from the File Name list, or enter the file name in
the File name box. Modify the directory path as required. For example, select
mxb01.txt as shown below:
4. Click Open to load the file and return to the Main Window. The Mx+B status
of the Channels Configuration area of the Main Window will be updated