Error Messages & Exception Conditions
Error and Status Messages
Boot ROM Failure! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Calibration Constants Corrupted! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Calibration Mode not enabled! See service manual.
You have not pressed the calibration button behind the instrument front panel
Do not enable calibration unless you have all the equipment for a complete
instrument calibration procedure, as defined in the Service Manual.
Cannot access specified drive [Drive] for Trend Link data!
You specified a disk drive for the Trend Link data file that cannot be used.
Check the availability of the disk drive you selected for the Trend Link data file.
Cannot add [Channel] to the Trend Link Data Set! Check amount of
free disk space available.
You have tried to add another tag (instrument channel) to the Trend Link data file
when the disk space is insufficient.
To use this disk drive, delete unneeded files to create space for the new Trend
Link tags and try again. To delete old Trend Link data files, see "Deleting Old
Trend Link Files" in Chapter 5 of this manual.
Cannot add more grouped Trend Link Data Sets! Delete a Data Set(s)
or create a new Data Set.
Your infolink.ini file specifies more than 25 instruments for a group