2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Instrument Scan Queue Overflow! Oldest scans overwritten!
NetDAQ Logger is unable to retrieve scans from the instruments quickly enough
and the instrument scan queue has overflowed. In this condition, the instrument is
overwriting the oldest scans and saving the newest scans.
Improve the data throughput characteristic. (See "Optimizing Performance for
Speed" in Chapter 4 of this manual.) When the scan queue overflows, the action
taken depends on your setting in the netdaq.ini file, i.e., discard the newest
scans or overwrite the oldest scans. (See, “Configuring the netdaq.ini file” in
Chapter 3 of this manual.)
Instrument software is outdated for this version of NetDAQ Logger!
You are attempting to communicate with an instrument whose software is
incompatible with this version of NetDAQ Logger.
Contact your Fluke Service Center to have your instrument software upgraded.
Instruments with invalid BCNs [Setup File Name] not loaded!
Configure communications with desired BCNs!
You have tried to load instrument icons from a setup file for instruments that do
not appear in the Communications Configuration File.
The Communications Configuration File dialog box (select the Communication
Config command from the Setup menu) has an Instruments on Network list, which
is common to all setup files. When a setup file is opened and contains icons for
instruments that are no longer on the Instruments on Network list, this message
appears. You must add the missing instruments to the Instruments on Network list
that you removed in other operations and then reopen the setup file to place the
instruments back on the Icon Bar.
Invalid Actual Calibration Value! Choose a value closer to the
suggested value!
You have selected a calibration input value that is invalid.
Calibration consists of entering specified values over the range of the instrument
input. You must select these or similar values for proper calibration. If you select
values too far from an acceptable input, they will not be accepted as calibration
Invalid Alarm Value!
You have entered an alarm value that is excessively large.
Select an alarm value that is less than +9.9999E+9.