2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Missing right parenthesis!
One of the sets of parentheses in your equation is not complete, leaving a left
parenthesis without a matching right one.
Check each set of parentheses in your equation to locate the one that is missing
the right parenthesis.
Must Select Function for Monitor Channel!
You selected a Monitor Channel that has the function OFF.
Select a Monitor Channel that has a function, e.g., volts dc, thermocouple, Ohms.
Mx+B Load File is Invalid!
You attempted to load an Mx+B File which cannot be read by NetDAQ Logger,
either because the file contains invalid input, or because it is larger than 1 k byte.
If possible, the line which caused the error will be displayed with this error
message allowing you to locate the invalid line in the Mx+B file. Change the
syntax of all invalid lines in the file in accordance with the instructions under
Loading an Mx+B File.
NetDAQ Logger software is not compatible with Setup File version: xx
You attempted to load a setup file that is not compatible with this version of
NetDAQ Logger software.
Contact your Fluke Service Center for a software upgrade. You will need to
provide a description of this error message along with the current version numbers
of both the Setup File and NetDAQ Logger.
NetDAQ Logger software is outdated for this instrument!
The NetDAQ Logger software you are running is not compatible with the
software on your instrument.
Contact your Fluke Service Center to obtain an updated version of the NetDAQ
Logger software.
No channels defined!
You are trying to start logging for an instrument that has no configured channels
(all channels show OFF in the Function column in the Main Window).
Configure at least one channel for a function, e.g., volts dc, thermocouple, Ohms.