Error Messages & Exception Conditions
Error and Status Messages
Computed channel [Channel #]: Instrument equation buffer size limits
will be exceeded!
The instrument’s buffer space for storing equation tokens (1000 bytes) has been
Delete or modify the equations until they occupy no more than 1000 bytes. If this
message continues to appear when you click OK, continue to modify or delete
equations as necessary. See Equation Syntax for instructions on entering equation
for computed channels.
Computed channels must be calculated from lower numbered
You tried to create a computed channel that has a lower channel number than the
channels used for the computed function.
Use channels that are lower when creating a computed channel function. For
example, if creating computed channel 24 for channel averaging, then the
channels used for channel averaging must be lower, e.g., channel 23, 18, 6 and so
Configuration will be lost! Delete anyway?
You are deleting an icon from the Icon Bar, which will clear the instrument of
configuration data. Click Yes to proceed or No to cancel the operation.
To save configuration data for all the instruments, save the setup as a new setup
file. (Select the Save Setup As command from the Setup menu.)
Connection is Down!
Your network cannot support the connection with the instrument.
For the general network, this is usually caused by network downtime. Verify your
general network is operating. For the isolated network, this may be caused by an
Ethernet interface failure at the instrument. Cycle the instrument power and try
again. If the problem persists, your instrument may need service.
Connection Successful!
You have successfully communicated with the selected instrument.
Click OK.