Error Messages & Exception Conditions
Error and Status Messages
Token String is too Large!
This equation exceeds the limit of 1000 bytes after it’s been converted into binary
Once equations are converted into binary format (so they can be read by the
instrument) they cannot exceed 1000 bytes in length. To reduce this equation’s
length, reference other computed channels (average, difference, and difference
from average) in the equation.
Trend Link data file paths must begin with a drive letter. Universal
Naming Convention (UNC) path names are not supported at this time.
This will occur in the 32-bit version only, in the Data File Configuration dialog
box, when the user has selected an UNC path name for a Trend Link data file
Trend Link Data Set file not found! Close Trend Link, start logging
again, and then reopen Trend Link.
A Trend Link data file that Trend Link is currently accessing has been deleted.
Exit Trend Link, begin logging data again, and then re-open Trend Link.
Trend Link Data Set .NOW file already exists! Delete the Data Set or
create a new Data Set.
You are attempting a Fast Binary (BIN) to Trend Link (SET) conversion using an
existing Data Set name that contains a *.now file.
Choose new Trend Link file names when converting Fast Binary files instead of
using existing names.
Trend Link file prefix must be 7 characters or less!
Your Trend Link data file name has 8 characters instead of 7 (or less) characters.
Trend Link file names are a maximum 7 characters (plus extension). For example,
testdat.set. This is necessary because the data set directory is the same name
as the data file name, preceded by an underscore, e.g., the data file
testdat.set is in the directory _testdat.set.
Trigger Interval must range from 0 to 24 hours (86400 seconds)!
You tried to enter a Trigger Interval greater than 86400 or tried to enter
extraneous characters.
Enter numbers only between 00000.000 and 86400.000 for the Primary Interval.