No parameters. Measures the overshoot of the first falling edge
of a waveform, expressed as a percentage of the waveform
AMPLitude. The fall overshoot is the difference between the
LOW value and the MINimum negative peak value to which the
signal initially falls, as shown in figure 3.2. The overshoot value
in volts is calculated as follows:
overshoot_value = overshoot_percentage
AMPLitude / 100
No parameters. Measures the preshoot of the first falling edge
of a waveform, expressed as a percentage of the waveform
AMPLitude. The fall preshoot is the difference between the
HIGH value and the MAXimum positive peak value to which the
signal initially rises, as shown in figure 3.2. The preshoot value
in volts is calculated as follows:
preshoot_value = preshoot_percentage
AMPLitude / 100
[<reference_low> [,<reference_high> [,<expected_time>
Measures the fall time of the first falling edge of a waveform.
This is the time interval during which the instantaneous signal
value decreases from the REFerence HIGH to the REFerence
LOW value, as shown in figure 3.2. The fall time is expressed
in seconds. FTIMe is an alias of FALL:TIME.
[<expected_frequency> [,<frequency_resolution>]]
Measures the frequency of the input signal. The frequency is
the inverse of the PERiod as shown in figure 3.2. The frequency
is expressed in hertz.
No parameters. Measures the HIGH value of the waveform, as
shown in figure 3.2. The HIGH value is the more positive of the
BASE and TOP signal as defined by the standards IEC 469 and
IEEE 194. The HIGH value is expressed in volts.
No parameters. Measures the LOW value of the waveform, as
shown in figure 3.2. The LOW value is the less positive of the
BASE and TOP signal as defined by the standards IEC 469 and
IEEE 194. The LOW value is expressed in volts.
No parameters. Measures the MAXimum instantaneous
voltage value of the waveform. The unit of MAXimum is volt.