A.5 Pass/Fail Testing
The following examples use the SYSTem:SET command for storing and restoring
instrument setups, which can be used for non-supported functions, such as,
Pass/Fail Testing. Before executing one of the programs, a pass/fail test setup
must be created by hand via the front panel, including:
1) Generation of a signal that must be tested.
2) Creation of an envelope that must be stored in one of the memory registers,
e.g. m2.
Front panel: MEASURE > PASS/FAIL > TEST (envel) > etc.
3) Definition of the action to be taken on a passing or failing waveforms, e.g. save
failing waveforms to e.g., m3.
Front panel: MEASURE > PASS/FAIL > ACTION (save) > etc.
4) Execution of the example program(s) of the following subsections to save,
restore, or run the Pass/Fail test setup that you created before:
- Section A.5.1 describes how to save the Pass/Fail test setup.
- Section A.5.2 describes how to restore the Pass/Fail test setup.
- Section A.5.3 describes how to run the Pass/Fail test setup.
A.5.1 Saving a pass/fail test setup
In the following example the pass/fail test setup information is saved to a file on
disk. The name of the file, plus the memory register where the envelope is stored
are requested. The layout of the file on disk is as follows:
<number of system settings bytes>
<system settings bytes> indefinite length format
<memory_register of the envelope> e.g., 2_1
<number of envelope trace bytes>
<envelope trace bytes> definite length format
Application summary:
Create a complete Pass/Fail test setup.
Request the file name in which to save the current instrument setup and open
the file for output.
Call routine Save.Setup to save the instrument settings.
Call routine Save.Envreg to save the reference envelope.
Routine Save.Setup does the following:
- Requests the instrument settings by sending: SYSTem:SET?
and by reading the response data (setupin$).
- Writes the length, plus data to the opened file.