USING THE COMBISCOPE INSTRUMENTS 3 - 65 Display of user-defined text
The DISPlay:WINDow2:TEXT commands allow you to define and clear the user
text on the screen area of your CombiScope instrument. After a
RST command,
the display of the previously defined user text is turned off.
PROGRAM EXAMPLE 1: (text as string data)
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:WINDow2:TEXT:STATe ON", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:WINDow2:TEXT:DATA ’Remote control’", 1)
Displays the text: Remote control on the screen of your CombiScope instrument
PROGRAM EXAMPLE 2: (text as block data)
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:WINDow2:TEXT:CLEar", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:WINDow2:TEXT:DATA #01.25 k", 0)’
CALL Send(0, 8, CHR$(25), 0) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, " CH1", 1) ’
Displays the text: 1.25 kW CH1 on the screen of your CombiScope instrument
Note: The ASCII character 25 (=
) is displayed as
on the screen of your
CombiScope instrument. Selection of softkey menus
The DISPlay:MENU commands allow you to select and enable the display of a
softkey menu. If a menu is selected via the DISPlay:MENU command, the display
is automatically enabled. After a
RST command, the display of softkey menus is
turned off.
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:MENU CURSors", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:MENU:STATe OFF", 1) ’
Switches the CURSORS menu