SENSe:VOLTage<n>[:DC]:RANGe:PTPeak <NRf>
| MINimum | MAXimum
<n> [1] | 2 | 3 | 4
Note: Channel 3 not applicable for PM33x0B.
<NRf> The vertical sensitivity for channel <n> in peak-to-
peak volts, expressed in full scale (8 divisions).
MINimum Selects the minimum possible peak-to-peak value.
MAXimum Selects the maximum possible peak-to-peak value.
Query form:
[MINimum | MAXimum]
<NR3> The vertical sensitivity for channel <n> in peak-to-
peak Volt, expressed in full scale (8 divisions).
If MINimum was specified, the minimum possible value is returned.
If MAXimum was specified, the maximum possible value is
Controls the vertical sensitivity for an input channel. The vertical sensitivity
(expressed in full scale, 8 divisions) for channel <n> is set to a value of <ptpeak>
volts. If a detectable probe is attached, the <ptpeak> value is considered to be at
the probe tip; otherwise the value is at the BNC plug.
The number of points with which a trace is written on the screen depends on the
resolution of the trace sample points (FORmat command). If the resolution is
8 bits, the number of points is 200 for the whole screen, which implies 200 / 8 = 25
points per division. If the resolution is 16 bits, the number of points is 200
256 =
51200 for the whole screen, which implies 51200 / 8 = 6400 points per division.