A.1.3 Reading measurement values
In the following example measurement values are read into the computer as
calculated by the front panel MEAS1 and MEAS2 features during a single-shot
Application summary:
Configure for measuring AC-RMS by sending: CONFigure:AC
and initiate a single-shot by sending: INITiate
Then stop program execution to let you select the following MEAS values via
the front panel:
> MEAS1-volt-dc
> MEAS2-time-frequency
After printing the read measurement values, stop program execution again to
let you select the following MEAS values via the front panel:
> MEAS1-volt-rms
> MEAS2-time-period
Application program:
Note: The program is supplied on floppy under file name EXAPPA13.BAS.
A.2 Acquiring Waveform Traces
In the following example a channel 1 trace of maximum 4096 samples of 1 or 2
bytes is read, converted to voltage values, and printed in portions of 90 samples.
Application summary:
Read the channel 1 trace by sending: TRACe? CH1
Convert the binary trace samples to integer values (refer to section
Read the peak-to-peak range by sending: SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe:PTPeak?
Read the offset voltage by sending: SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe:OFFSet?
Convert the integer values to voltage values (refer to section and print
them in portions of 90 samples.
Application program:
Note: The program is supplied on floppy under file name EXAPPA2.BAS.