
USING THE COMBISCOPE INSTRUMENTS 3 - 47 Check the result of the post processing function.
The results of the post processing functions :MATH
are stored in M1_1 for CALCulate1 and in M2_1 for CALCulate2, regardless of
the input (feed) trace.
The results of the post processing functions :FILTer:FREQuency
:DERivative (or :DIFFerential)
are stored in M1_n or M2_n, depending of the input source. When CHn or Mi_n
is the input trace for CALCulate1, the result is placed in M1_n (n = 1, 2, 3, 4).
When CHn or Mi_n is the input trace for CALCulate2, the result is placed in M2_n
(n = 1, 2, 3, 4).
CALCulate2:FEED "CH3"
CALCulate2:INTegral:STATe ON
’The result is that the integral of the channel 3 trace is placed in M2_3.
When the result of a calculation is saved in a trace memory location, the other
trace locations of the same memory register are used by the calculate process.
Data stored in these locations may be destroyed. For example, a CALculate1
process that stores the result in M1_2, may also destroy the contents of M1_1,
M1_3, and M1_4. The result of a CALCulate function that is stored in a trace
memory can be read into the controller by using the TRACe? query.
TRACe? M2_1 ’Requests for M2_1 trace
<trace_buffer> ’Reads M2_1 trace
Note: The result of a CALCulate block can be used as source for the other
CALCulate block, but not
as source for the same CALCulate block.
DIM response AS STRING
Dimensions trace buffer
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate2:FEED ’CH3’", 1) ’
Channel 3 = source CALC2
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate2:TRANsform:FREQuency:WINDow HAMMing", 1)
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate2:TRANsform:FREQuency:STATe ON", 1)
Enables FFT-Hamming
CALL Send(0, 8, "TRACe? M2_1", 1)
Requests for M2_1 trace
CALL Receive(0, 8, response$, 256)
Reads the M2_1 trace