- NICs
In addition, the following items will be displayed when the selected server is a VM host:
- VM guests
- Virtual switches
- Ports
- Network links
- When selecting a LAN switch blade
The following items are displayed:
- Ports
Selecting a LAN switch blade will show all its ports. For PRIMERGY BX900/BX400 LAN switch blades operating in IBP mode, a
list of port groups is displayed. Selecting a port group from the list will highlight (in blue) the ports belonging to the selected port
Moreover, selecting a port from a switch in IBP mode will show a list of port groups to which the selected port belongs. If the selected
port belongs to more than one port group, all port groups are shown in the displayed list.
Expand button
Selecting an item listed below will show this button on the upper-right side of this icon. Clicking this button expands the resource contents.
- Server blade
- LAN switch blade
- VM server
- VM guest
- Virtual switches
- LAN switch
Close button
Clicking this button closes expanded chassis contents, replacing them with a chassis icon.
Clicking the close button will close the detailed content (server blades, LAN switch blades) that was shown for the selected chassis.
13.4 Resource Icons
This section describes the icons used to represent resource statuses on the Network Map.
13.4.1 Resource Statuses
The following table details the resource statuses associated with each icon.
Table 13.1 Chassis Icons
Icon Status Meaning
normal No new errors or warnings were detected from the chassis.
- 100 -