- Related Services
- Deployment Service
- TFTP Service
- PXE Services
- DHCP Server (*)
[Linux Manager]
- Manager Services
- rcxmanager
- rcxtaskmgr
- rcxmongrel1
- rcxmongrel2
- rcxhttpd
- rcxdb
- Related Services
- scwdepsvd
- scwpxesvd
- scwtftpd
- dhcpd (*)
* Note: Necessary when managing a managed server in a separate subnet to the admin server.
Change the ports used by the above services if there is a possibility that they will conflict with other applications or services.
For Windows operating systems, an ephemeral port may conflict with a Resource Orchestrator service if the range allowed for ephemeral
ports is changed. In this case, change the port number to a value not included in the range for ephemeral ports.
For details, refer to " Checking Used Port Numbers" in the "Setup Guide VE".
For information on how to change the ports used by ServerView Operations Manager, refer to the ServerView Operations Manager manual.
The ports used for SNMP communication and server power control are defined by standard protocols and fixed at the hardware level, and
thus cannot be changed.
For the port numbers used by Resource Orchestrator, refer to "Appendix A Port List" in the "Design Guide VE".
When using a firewall on the network, firewall settings should be updated to match the new port definitions and allow communications
for any modified port.
Manager Services
Use the following procedure to change the admin server ports used by manager services:
1. Stop the manager.
Stop the manager, referring to "2.1 Starting and Stopping the Manager" in the "Operation Guide VE".
2. Change the port numbers.
Use the rcxadm mgrctl modify command to set a new port number for a given service name.
[Windows Manager]
\SVROR\Manager\bin\rcxadm" mgrctl modify -port
[Linux Manager]
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