8. Stop the agents on managed servers. [Windows] [Hyper-V] [Linux] [Xen] [KVM]
Stop the agent referring to "2.2 Starting and Stopping the Agent" in the "Operation Guide VE".
9. Change Agent settings. [Windows] [Hyper-V] [Linux] [Xen] [KVM]
Use the rcxadm agtctl modify command to set the new manager IP address.
[Windows] [Hyper-V]
\Agent\bin\rcxadm" agtctl modify -manager
[Linux] [Xen] [KVM]
# /opt/FJSVrcxat/bin/rcxadm agtctl modify -manager
10. Restart the agents on managed servers. [Windows] [Hyper-V] [Linux] [Xen] [KVM]
Start the agent referring to "2.2 Starting and Stopping the Agent" in the "Operation Guide VE".
11. Restart the manager.
Start the manager referring to "2.1 Starting and Stopping the Manager" in the "Operation Guide VE".
Repeat steps 6 to 11 for each managed server on which an agent is running.
12. Re-configure the HBA address rename setup service.
When using the HBA address rename function, change the IP address of the admin server that is set for the HBA address rename
setup service according to "6 Settings for the HBA address rename Setup Service" in the "Setup Guide VE".
13. Back up managed servers.
If system image backups have already been collected from managed servers, it is recommended to update those images in order to
reflect the changes made above. For details on system image backups, refer to "9.2 Backup" in the "Operation Guide VE".
System images backed up before changing the admin IP address of the admin server cannot be restored anymore after the change.
It is recommended to delete all system images collected before change, unless those images are specifically needed.
14. Collect a cloning image. [Physical Servers]
If cloning images have already been collected from managed servers, it is recommended to update those images to reflect the change
made above. For details on cloning image collection, refer to "17.2 Collecting".
Cloning images collected before changing the admin IP address of the admin server cannot be deployed anymore after the change.
It is recommended to delete all cloning images collected before change, unless those images are specifically needed.
- IP addresses belonging to registered admin LAN subnets cannot be changed.
- When a managed server belongs to the same subnet as the admin server, either delete the managed server or manually change
the admin IP address of the managed server. Without changing the IP address of the managed server, it is not possible to register
the information of the subnet the managed server belongs to, or change the information of the subnet.
Changing the IP Address of a Clustered Manager
In a clustered manager configuration, use the following procedure to change the IP address set within the operating system.
[Windows Manager]
Change the IP address using the [Failover Cluster Management] window.
[Linux Manager]
1. Stop the manager's cluster service.
Stop the manager's cluster service from the cluster administration view (Cluster Admin).
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