1. In the ROR console server resource tree, right-click the target physical server, and select [Modify]-[WWN Settings] from the popup
The [WWN Settings] dialog is displayed.
2. To use this feature, the following settings must first be defined:
HBA ports
Select the following values according to the system configuration.
- Procedures for Single-path Configurations
Specify "1" for HBA ports.
- Procedures for Multi-path Configurations
Select the number of multi-paths for HBA ports.
However, it is necessary to select "1" during installation of the operating system. Select the number of paths and reconfigure
HBA address rename settings after setting up the multi-path driver.
Portn WWPN
Enter or select the WWPN of an HBA collected from physical servers.
When using a multi-path configuration, enter the values of the HBAs and the corresponding CAs of servers in the same order,
based on the values in "6.1.6 Settings when Switching Over SPARC Enterprise Servers" in the "Design Guide VE".
Target CA
Select WWPNs of storage CA and AffinityGroup.
Select hyphens ("-") to keep spare servers inactive.
Also, select a hyphen ("-") when deleting Fibre Channel Switch zoning and storage unit host affinity in the configured WWN
When using a server on which an agent is registered as a spare server, the server must meet one of the following conditions:
- When the WWPN of the target CA is the same value as that of the primary server
- When the AffinityGroup value is different from the value of the primary server
- When agents are not registered on ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser
When using the storage affinity switchover method, if a hyphen ("-") is selected, the storage path settings will be deleted.
3. Click <OK>.
Perform configuration or deletion of Fibre Channel Switch zoning and storage unit host affinity based on the configured WWN
information. When the target operation server is registered on ESC, the status should be as below:
- Configuration
The server should be turned on
- Deletion
The server should be turned off
When configuration and deletion of Fibre Channel Switch zoning and storage unit host affinity have been already executed, no
operations will be performed on the devices.
- For WWPN value specification, check that the value does not overlap with the WWPN used for HBA address rename or VIOM. If
the same WWPN is used, there is a chance data on storage units will be damaged.
- When configuration or deletion of Fibre Channel switches or storage units performed, a warning dialog is displayed. Make sure that
there are no problems in the settings, then click <OK>.
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