Deploying a Cloning Image
Use the following procedure to deploy a cloning image to one or more destination servers:
1. Place the destination server(s) into maintenance mode (only for agent-registered servers).
a. In the ROR console server resource tree, right-click the desired server (or its physical OS), and select [Maintenance Mode]-
[Set] from the popup menu.
The [Set Maintenance Mode] dialog is displayed.
b. Click <OK>.
The target server is placed into maintenance mode.
2. Deploy a cloning image.
- Deploying a cloning image to a single destination server
a. In the ROR console server resource tree, right-click the destination server (or its physical OS) and select [Cloning]-
[Deploy] from the popup menu.
The [Deploy a Cloning Image] dialog is displayed.
The available cloning images are displayed.
Only cloning images that have been collected from a server of the same model as the destination server are available for
b. Select the cloning image to deploy, and set the following items.
Server name after deployment
Enter the name of the server to which the cloning image is to be deployed.
By default, the physical OS name is entered if the physical OS is registered. If the physical OS is not registered, the
physical server name is entered.
A string composed of up to 63 alphanumeric characters, underscores, ("_"), and hyphens, ("-").
The string cannot be composed solely of numbers.
A string composed of up to 64 alphanumeric characters, and the following symbols:
"%", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ":", "=", "@", "_", "~"
When using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, it is not possible to configure server names that include periods (".") for the
post-deployment server names of cloning images.
Since the entered server name is also used as the hostname of its corresponding destination server, it is recommended to
use only characters defined in RFC (Request For Comments) 952:
- Alphanumeric characters
- Hyphens, ("-")
- Periods, (".") [Linux]
[Release from Maintenance Mode after deployment] checkbox
Enable this option to automatically release the destination server from maintenance mode after cloning image deployment.
If this option disabled, maintenance mode should be released manually after collecting the cloning image.
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