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General User Function
OFF Yes No
Powers off a server after shutting down
its operating system.
OFF (Forced) Yes No
Powers off a server without shutting
down its operating system.
Reboot Yes No
Reboots a server after shutting down its
operating system.
Reboot (Forced) Yes No
Reboots a server without shutting
down its operating system.
LED (*4)
ON Available No Turns the maintenance LED on.
OFF Yes No Turns the maintenance LED off.
Spare Server (*2, *6)
Yes No
Switches over a server with one of its
spare servers.
Failback Yes No
Switches back a server to its pre-
switchover state.
Takeover Yes No
Accepts a switched over configuration
as final (without switching back to the
original configuration).
Hardware Maintenance
Re-configure Yes No
Detects and re-configures the
properties of a replaced server.
Restore LAN
Switch (*9)
Yes No Restores a LAN switch configuration.
Maintenance Mode (*2)
Set Yes No Places a server into maintenance mode.
Release Yes No Sets a server to active mode.
Backup/Restore (*2)
Backup Yes No Backs up a system image from a server.
Restore Yes No Restores a system image to a server.
Cloning (*2, *10)
Collect Yes No Collects a cloning image from a server.
Deploy Yes No Deploys a cloning image to a server.
Migrate VM Guest - Yes No
Migrates a VM guest to a different VM
VM Home Position
Yes No Sets VM Home Position.
Clear Yes No Clears VM Home Position.
Back to Home Yes No
Migrates a VM guest to VM Home
Discover LAN
Yes No
Discovers LAN switches within the
admin LAN.
Detect physical
Yes No
Acquires physical link data from
registered LAN switches.
Licenses - Yes No
Displays license settings and registered
Options - Yes Yes (*11)
Modifies client and environmental data
Environmental Data
- Yes Yes Displays environmental data graphs.
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