Icon Status Meaning
warning A warning was detected from the LAN switch.
The status of the LAN switch could not be obtained.
error An error was detected from the LAN switch.
A fatal error was detected from the LAN switch, which is now unusable.
stop The LAN switch was detected to have been powered off.
Table 13.8 Port Icons
Icon Status Meaning
normal No errors were detected from the port.
An error was detected from the port (e.g. its opposite port or NIC was disabled, or the
cable between this link and its opposite port or NIC was disconnected).
disabled The port was detected to have been disabled (offline).
* Note: This icon is displayed for the following ports.
- The currently selected port.
- The port opposite to the selected port.
- In IBP mode, all ports that belong to the selected port group.
- In IBP mode, all ports that belong to the same port group as the selected port.
13.4.2 VLAN Display
The following resource icons are used when displaying VLANs in the Network Map.
Table 13.9 Resource Icons for VLAN Display
Icon Meaning
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