XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
2.1 Overview of the CLI
This section describes how to use the command line interface (CLI) for the XG Series.
2.1.1 Operating Environment for the CLI
There are two ways to access the device to run commands. Up to 5 terminal sessions can access the device concurrently.
z Serial connection
Connect to the serial port of the device using RS232C cable.
The available terminal emulation type is VT100.
When initially connecting a terminal to the device, configure the serial port on the client
side as shown below.
Item Setting value
Baud rate 9600 bps (can be changed)
Character size 8 bit
Parity None
Stop bits 1 bit
Flow control None
Emulation VT100
Character set ASCII
Line feed code Transmission: CR (carriage return) only
Reception: LF is added
The baud rate can be changed to one of 9600, 19200, 38400 and 57600 (bps) using the "baud-rate"
z Remote connection via management LAN port
Connect a terminal using a telnet or SSH.
The following tables list the factory defaults.
Management LAN Interface initial settings
Item Setting value
IP address
Subnet mask
Telnet server initial settings
Item Setting value
Use telnet Disable (can be changed)
Port number 23 (TCP)
Emulation VT100/VT200/xterm
BackSpace key Delete
Character set ASCII
SSH server initial settings
Item Setting value
Use SSH Disable (can be changed)
Port number 22 (TCP)
Emulation VT100/VT200/xterm
BackSpace key Delete
Character set ASCII
SSH Protocol Version 2 (not support version 1)
To use the remote connection via the management LAN port, use the "management-lan ip" command
to configure the management LAN port for the device and use the "telnet-server" or “ssh-server”
command to enable the telnet or SSH service.
A VT100, VT200, or xterm can be used as a terminal.