XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
z Mode
The switch port mode of the Spanning Tree Protocol is displayed.
The switch port is operating in STP (IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol) mode.
The switch port is operating in RSTP (IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) mode.
− None
STP is not applicable to the switch port.
z Cost
The path cost value of the port is displayed.
z Pri
The priority value of the switch port is displayed.
z PortID
The port ID of the switch port is displayed.
z Flags
Flags indicating the state of the switch port are displayed. Each flag has the following
− First flag (Port role)
Indicates the role of the port.
− R
The Root port.
− D
The Designated port.
− A
The Alternate port.
− B
The Backup port.
− Second flag (Config link type)
Indicates the link type of the line configured in the device.
− p
A point-to-point link.
− s
A shared line.
In the device Point-to point "p" is always used.
− Third flag (Oper link type)
Indicates the link type in operation.
− p
A point-to-point link.
− s
A shared link.
− Fourth flag (Proposal state)
Indicates a Spanning Tree was proposed by an adjacent switch.
− p
Building a Spanning Tree was proposed.
− (None)
Building a Spanning Tree request was accepted by the adjacent switch.
− Fifth flag (Received BPDU)
The Spanning Tree Protocol mode for the received BPDU.
− d
− w
If the destination switch port is operating in STP (IEEE802.1D) mode, the connected device switch
port will operate in STP mode regardless of its setting.
z Designated Switch
Displays the switch identifier for the specified switch that sent a BPDU to the specified
The first four digits representing the priority of the designated switch are displayed as
a hexadecimal number. The remaining 12 digits representing the MAC address of the designated
switch are displayed as a hexadecimal number.