XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
5.10 Switch Port Configuration Commands
This section explains the port specific commands of the switch.
5.10.1 show interface
Displays the port state of the specified switch.
xg> or xg#
Command syntax
show interface [ { port <1-20> | agg-port <1-10> } ]
z port <1-20>
Specifies the port number of the switch to display.
z agg-port <1-10>
Specifies the aggregation group number of the switch to display.
When the "port" parameter or "agg-port" parameter are omitted, the state of all ports will be displayed.
Command type
Operation management commands
Output form
xg# show interface
Interface Information 2007/01/22-12:12:15
[port 1]
Generic Information
Description : port_name1
MAC Address
: 000C.123a.4321
Link State : { Link-up | Link-down }
Link Status Detail : detail information
STP State
: { Discard | Learn | Forward }
Flow Control : { Disabled | Rx Only | Tx Only | Rx and Tx }
Address Learning : { Enabled | Disabled }
Multicast Forwarding
: { Forward-all | Forward-unregistered-mac
| Filter-unregistered-mac }
Port Security : { Shutdown | Restrict | Disabled }
Storm Control
: { Enabled | Disabled }
Default Qos Priority : <0-7>
Qos Egress Scheduling : { Strict | DRR | DRR-Strict }
Qos Bandwidth
Output Priority 0 : <0-10000>
Output Priority 1 : <0-10000>
Output Priority 2 : <0-10000>
Output Priority 3 : <0-10000>
Ingress Bandwidth
: <40-10000> (total:<400-100000>)
Vlan Information
Port Default Vlan ID
: <1-4094>
Vlan Member(tagged frame)
: { None | Vlan-1 Vlan-2 }
Vlan Member(untagged frame)
: { None | Vlan-1 Vlan-2 }
User Vlan Protocol ID
: <0x05DD ~ 0xFFFF>
Filter Information
Ingress Filter(no vlan member): {Disabled | Enabled}
Ingress Filter(tagged frame)
: {Disabled | Enabled}
Ingress Filter(untagged frame): {Disabled | Enabled}
[port 2]
The configuration and status of each switch port will be displayed.
[port 1]
The number of the switch port for the following information is displayed.
In the case of an aggregation group, the aggregation group number such as [agg-port 1] is
Generic Information
z Description
Port description is displayed.
z MAC Address
The MAC address of the port is displayed.
z Link State
− Link-up
Shows the port is in a link down state.
− Link-down
Shows the port is in a link up state.