XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
2.1.3 startup-config and running-config
The configuration information is saved to startup-config and running-config files.
This section describes the functions of the startup-config and running-config files.
z startup-config
Startup-config is the configuration file that stores the environment settings that are enabled
upon device startup. The startup-config is saved in non-volatile memory and read the next
time the device is reset or power cycled.
z running-config
Running-config is a file stored in volatile memory that represents the operating environment
of the current running system. The information stored in the running-config file will be
lost when the system is restarted.
To assure the system configuration that is active in the current running-config file is enabled
the next time the system is started, use the "copy" command to save it to the startup-config
xg# copy running-config startup-config
The contents of the startup-config and running-config match immediately after the device
is started.
z How to upload and save the startup-config and running-config files
To upload the configuration information to the remote server, run the "show" command.
Syntax (upload the file on a TFTP server:)
xg# show running-config | tftp HOST REMOTE-FILE
xg# show startup-config | tftp HOST REMOTE-FILE
Syntax (upload the file on a SSH server:)
xg# show running-config | scp USERNAME HOST REMOTE-FILE
xg# show startup-config | scp USERNAME HOST REMOTE-FILE
z How to download startup-config
To download the configuration information that was uploaded to the remote server as
startup-config, run the "copy" command.
Syntax (download a file from a TFTP server:)
xg# copy tftp HOST REMOTE-FILE startup-config
Syntax (download a file from a SSH server:)
xg# copy scp USERNAME HOST REMOTE-FILE startup-config
To enable the settings downloaded to the startup-config file, restart the device using the
"reset" command.
z Be sure to upload the contents of the startup-config file to a remote server because the contents
could be lost if the startup-config file is accidentally overwritten.
z Refer to "Uploading/Downloading a Configuration File
" for details on uploading and downloading
z “scp” supports only password authentication, and this device can register up to 10 public keys of SSH
z Execute “clear ssh-rhost-key” command to delete a registered public key.