XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
5.12.6 vlan-member allowed
Registers a port as a VLAN member.
Use the no form to release the VLAN membership.
xg(config-if)# or xg(config-agg)#
Command syntax
vlan-member allowed vlan { <1-4094> | all } { egress-untagging | egress-tagging }
no vlan-member allowed vlan { <1-4094> | all }
z vlan <1-4094>
Specifies a VLAN ID (or VID) for membership registration or VLAN ID deletion. The VID can
be an integer of 1 to 4094.
z vlan all
Registers or deletes member ports for all registered VLANs.
z egress-untagging
Deletes a VLAN tag during frame transmission.
z egress-tagging
Adds a VLAN tag during frame transmission.
Command type
Configuration command
Registers all ports with “egress-untagging” (the default VLAN).
Not set (except for the default VLAN)
% VLAN %1$ not configured. %2$
The specified VLAN was not created.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: VID
[[Inserted string]]%2$: Port number
Create a VLAN first then reissue the command.
% Can't remove vlan from port. Same pvid entry. %1$
The specified VID cannot be deleted because it is identical to the default PVID.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: Port number
Change the default PVID and reissue the command.
Enter the interface edit mode for ports 1 to 3 and register the ports as VLAN members (with tags) of VID 3.
Then, use the “show vlan” command to display the VLAN information. Check that ports 1 to 3 have been registered as
members of the VLAN (VID 3).
xg(config)# interface port range 1 3
xg(config-if)# vlan-member allowed vlan 3 egress-tagging
xg(config-if)# exit
xg(config)# exit
xg# show vlan
Vlan Information 2007/01/22-16:20:15
VID Vlan-Description Tag Ports-Membership
---- ------------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------
1 default UNTAG port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2 vlan-floor1 --- None
3 vlan-floor2 TAG port 1 2 3