
XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
A.3 Message Format for Forwarding syslog
The logs output from the device can be forwarded to a syslog server. The device forwards logs in a message format that
conforms to the RFC3164 The BSD Syslog Protocol.
The format the device uses to forward a syslog message to the syslog server is shown below.
Format of syslog message
in XG2000 series
Description Format of syslog message in
Priority Priority string PRI part Priority
Time The time the message was generated
Host name Host name of the device
Device type XG Tag
Function type Abbreviated name for the control that output the
Severity Severity of the message
Message ID The code that uniquely identifies the message
Message Message text
MSG part
The device appends the Priority value at the beginning of the log message then inserts the Device type between the Host
name and the Function type before forwarding the message to the specified syslog server.
The Priority value is used to identify the severity and facility of a log message.
It is added according to the following rules.
z Priority must have three, four, or five characters. It starts with an angle bracket "<", followed by a number, followed by
an angle bracket ">". Example: <14>
z The Priority value is calculated from the Facility code (Facility) and the Severity code (Severity). The Priority value
consists of one, two, or three decimal integers.
z The Priority value is calculated by first multiplying the Facility code by 8 and then adding the numerical value of the
Severity code.
The Facility code defined in the device is:
Facility code Type of Facility
1 random user-level messages
The Severity codes defined in the device are:
Severity code Description of Severity
2 Critical : critical conditions
3 Error : error conditions
4 Warning : warning conditions
6 Informational : informational messages