XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009 Format of Log Message
An example of the format of a log message displayed by the "show log" command is shown below.
xg# show log info latest 1
May 25 22:08:33 xghost xgsh: XG INFO[P4001]: cmd-exec[3388]: show log info latest 1
| | | | | | |
Month | HH:MM:SS | Function name Severity | Message text
Day Host name Message ID
the device
z Month
Displays the date (month) of the event.
z Day
Displays the date (day) of the event.
Displays the time (hours:minutes:seconds) of the event.
z Host name of the device
Displays the host name.
z Function name
Indicates the function name.
z Severity
Indicates the severity of the message.
The system encountered a serious condition that prevented it from continuing its
operation. Take appropriate action in response to this message.
Does not stop system operation but some functions are inoperable. Take appropriate
action in response to this message.
An error or critical condition was detected, but it does not affect normal operation
of the device. Determine whether an action must be taken by examining the message.
A message provides information about the system status. No action is necessary.
z Message ID
Message ID is displayed in a form that begins with an "S" or "P".
− S
A message that receives SNMP trap notification.
− P
A message that does not receive SNMP trap notification.
− Message number
Displays a unique number used to identify a message within the device.
Verify the meaning of the message and actions to take based on the message number.
z Message text
Displays message text. Reviewing Fault Logs
If a fault occurred, review the fault log to check fault messages (CRITICAL, ERROR, or WARNING).
To review fault logs, enter the "show log
" command in the operator EXEC mode or in the administrator EXEC mode. For the
meaning of messages and actions to take for the errors, refer to "Appendix A.2 List of Event Logs
The following examples show the information that is displayed when the "show log
" command is entered.
xg# show log critical
Aug 22 03:33:51 xg kernel: XG CRITICAL[S1000]: Abnormal reset occurred (WatchDog Reset: code=1)
Aug 22 03:33:51 xg kernel: XG CRITICAL[S1900]: Core dumped 359
xg# show log error
Aug 22 03:33:51 xg env: XG ERROR[S0101]: Internal Temperature is out of rage. (65)
Aug 22 03:33:51 xg env: XG ERROR[S0115]: port 1 is not present.
xg# show log warning
Aug 22 03:33:51 xg env: XG WARNING[S0109]: Front Fan-1 Speed is below the Low Limit. (2150 6675)
Aug 22 03:33:51 xg npm: XG WARNING[S3005]: port 1 detected port security violation.
Aug 22 03:33:51 xg npm: XG WARNING[S3202]: Received IGMP packet without IP header.