
· Enter the latitude of Key West, Florida (N24°34.03) by pressing 2, 4,
3, 4, 0, 3. Press the ENT key when you are finished. The cursor will
automatically move over longitude as illustrated below.
· Enter the longitude of Key West, Florida (W081°46.15) by pressing 0,
8, 1, 4, 6, 1, 5. Press the ENT key when you are finished. Move the
cursor over "OK" as illustrated below.
· With the cursor over “OK?” press the ENT key to store the waypoint
KYWST. You have just created the waypoint KYWST by entering
Create waypoint DRYTG relative to waypoint KYWST...
We will be creating a waypoint named DRYTG which will be located in the
Dry Tortugas area of the Gulf of Mexico. The Dry Tortugas are located 277°
(magnetic), 75 nautical miles from Key West, Florida. Move the cursor back
to the waypoint name field to begin.
· Enter the waypoint name DRYTG. The New Waypoint Page will
appear again. This time move the cursor over “REF WPT?” and press
the ENT key. The Waypoint Definition Page will return with the cursor
over the reference field as illustrated below.