
The GPS 100 uses the Message page to communicate important information
to you. Some messages are advisory in nature, others are warnings that may
require your intervention. This chapter provides a complete list of GPS 100
messages and their meanings. Please pay careful attention to all messages.
ACQUIRING ADDNL SATS - The GPS 100 is operating in the QuickFix
mode and is in the process of acquiring additional satellites. The GPS 100
antenna should be held in full view of the sky until this message is removed
from the message page.
ALARM CLOCK 1 - The alarm time for alarm clock 1 has been reached.
ALARM CLOCK 2 - The alarm time for alarm clock 2 has been reached.
ANCHOR DRAG ALARM - Your craft has drifted outside the anchor drag
radius set on the Alarm Page.
APPRCHNG OFFST _____ - You are less than one minute from reaching
the indicated waypoint offset by the parallel track distance.
APPROACHING _____ - You are less than one minute from reaching the
indicated waypoint.
ARRIVAL AT _____ - Your craft has entered the arrival alarm circle for the
indicated waypoint.
ARRVL AT OFFST _____ - Your craft has entered the arrival alarm circle for
the indicated waypoint offset by the parallel track distance.
BATTERY LOW - The battery pack is low on power. AA batteries should be
replaced and the rechargeable battery pack should be recharged for continued
CANNOT CHNG ACTV WPT - An attempt has been made to modify the
position of the “active to” or “active from” waypoint. The GPS 100 will not
allow the modifications.
CANNOT OFST GOTO RTE - An attempt has been made to engage the