· Move the cursor over the cyclic field to the right of “OUTPUT” and
press the CLR key to select the desired output format.
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
Waypoints and routes may be transferred from one GPS 100 to another, or
from a PC to a GPS 100. The Data Transfer Page allows you to select the
desired data transfer operation (receive waypoints/routes or transmit
waypoints/routes). Data transfer operations require an optional PC kit or
data transfer cable.
One of two methods may be chosen to receive waypoints and routes from
a PC or from another GPS 100. “RECEIVE (UPDATE)” allows the unit to
receive new waypoints and routes without deleting old waypoints and routes
not changed by the receive operation. “RECEIVE (REPLACE)” deletes all
of the unit’s old waypoints and routes, including waypoints used in proximity
alarms, and replaces them with new waypoints.
To transfer waypoints and routes from a PC to a GPS 100...
· Select “RECEIVE (UPDATE)” or “RECEIVE (REPLACE)” on the
Data Transfer Page.
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
· Run the PC upload program.
· The GPS 100 will display the message “WPT/RTE RX STARTED”
when the first data record is received. The number of waypoints and
routes received will be displayed on line 2.
· The PC will indicate when the transfer operation is complete.
Number of Routes
Number of Waypoints
Transfer Select Field