
over a cyclic field, pressing the CLR key will toggle through several
available options. If the cursor is over a confirmation field, pressing
the CLR key indicates rejection.
Pressing the ENT key completes the process of data entry. If the
cursor is over a confirmation field, pressing the ENT key indicates
your approval.
The GPS 100 features a keypad feedback tone which will sound each time
you press a key. If you enter data which is not appropriate for the field, the
feedback tone will quickly sound three times indicating an error. The keypad
feedback tone can be turned off if you wish (see Section 11.5 for more
Data is entered into the unit using the keypad and fields. In order to enter data
you must first move the cursor over the desired field by pressing the right or
left arrow key.
To enter a number...
· Press the key that is labeled with the desired number. The numbers
will fill in from the left side of the field similar to a typewriter. You must
enter any leading zeros in the field. For example, if you wish to enter
“51” in a 3 space field, you must press the 0, 5, and 1 keys in that order.
· Press the CLR key if you enter an incorrect number.
· Press the ENT key when you have filled each space of the field with
To enter a letter...
· Press the key that is labeled with the desired letter.
· Press the right or left arrow key until the desired letter is displayed.
· Press the CLR key if you enter an incorrect letter.
· Press the ENT key when all the characters are entered.
(Note: Some fields allow only letters and no numbers. For example, the