
· Enter KYWST in the reference field. After doing so, the latitude and
longitude will automatically fill in with the position of KYWST and the
cursor will move over bearing as illustrated below.
· Enter the bearing from Key West to the Dry Tortugas which is 277
degrees. After doing so, the cursor will move over distance as
illustrated below.
· Enter the distance from Key West to the Dry Tortugas which is 75
nautical miles (remember to enter the leading zero). The GPS 100 will
display the resulting latitude and longitude and the cursor will move
over “OK?” as illustrated below.
· With the cursor over “OK?”, press the ENT key to store the waypoint
DRYTG. You have just created a waypoint (DRYTG) relative to an
existing waypoint (KYWST) with a bearing/range offset.
Create waypoint FTMYR relative to present position...
· Enter the waypoint name FTMYR which is the name we have chosen
for Fort Myers, Florida. The New Waypoint Page will be displayed
once again.
· Move the cursor over “RELATIVE TO PRES POSN?” and press the
ENT key. The Waypoint Definition Page will return with the cursor
over bearing. The waypoint position will be filled in with your present