Name Alarm Distance Total Proximity Waypoints
The Proximity Waypoint Page allows you to define an alarm circle around a
waypoint. Boaters may wish to define a proximity alarm waypoint around a
rock or sand bar. Pilots may wish to define a proximity alarm waypoint around
a restricted use airspace such as a MOA or TCA. The GPS 100 will notify
you with an alarm tone and the message “PROX ALARM-PRESS NAV” if you
enter the alarm circle. After you view this message, press the NAV key. The
Position Page will display the range and bearing from the proximity waypoint
to your position. (See Section 5.2 for information on the Position Page.)
The GPS 100 allows you to define a maximum of 9 proximity waypoints. The
Proximity Waypoint Page displays 3 proximity waypoints at a time. Additional
waypoints are viewed by scrolling through the proximity waypoint list. The
number of proximity waypoints is displayed in the upper right corner of the
To scroll through the proximity waypoints...
· Place the cursor over the alarm distance on line 3 and press the right
arrow key to scroll down the list.
· Place the cursor over the waypoint name on line 1 and press the left
arrow key to scroll up the list.
To add a waypoint to the proximity list...
· Scroll down the list until the cursor is over a blank waypoint name.
· Enter the desired waypoint name.
· Enter the radius of the alarm circle.
If the newly entered proximity circle overlaps with any existing circle, you will
be informed with the message “PROXIMITY OVERLAP”. This message will