
· Move the cursor over the offset distance.
· If you wish to navigate to the left of your course, simply enter the
desired offset distance. Otherwise press the CLR key, followed by
“R”, and then enter the desired offset distance.
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
While using offset navigation, you will be informed with the message
“OFFSET NAV IN EFFECT”. (NOTE: Offset navigation is only available for
route navigation. You will be informed with the message “CANNOT OFST
GOTO RTE” if offset navigation is not allowed. If you enter a large offset
which causes a leg to be reversed, you will be informed with the message
“OFST TOO BIG FOR RTE” and offset navigation will not become effective.
If you activate a new route or use the GOTO function, offset navigation will
be cancelled and you will be informed with the message “OFFSET NAV
To cancel offset navigation...
· Move the cursor over the offset distance. Press the CLR key followed
by the ENT key.
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
The GPS 100 offers you three magnetic variation options. You may select
TRUE, AUTO, or USER magnetic correction for all track, course, and
heading information. If you select TRUE, all information displayed on other
pages will be referenced to the true North pole. If you select AUTO magnetic
heading, all information will be corrected with the automatic magnetic
variation computed by the GPS 100. If you select USER magnetic heading,
all information will be corrected by the magnetic variation you enter.
To select true heading...
· Move the cursor over the heading mode select field and press the CLR
key until “TRUE HDG” is displayed.
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
To select automatic magnetic heading...