Ground (GRND): Ground communication
Ground Speed (GS): Speed of travel across the
ground. In aviation, the relation between ground
speed and air speed is affected by the prevailing
H HDOP: Horizontal Dilution of Precision. See
Dilution Of Precision.
Heading: The direction that the aircraft is pointing.
I Identifier:A name, typically abbreviated, assigned
to a waypoint. The identifier may consist of
numbers and alpha characters, up to six in length.
For example, the airport identifier for Los Angeles
International Airport is LAX.
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
Intersection (INT): A point defined by any
combination of courses, radials, or bearings of two or
more navigational aids.
K Knot (kt): A unit of speed equal to one nautical
mile per hour.
L Latitude (Lat): Any line circling the earth parallel
to the equator, measured in degrees, minutes, and
seconds north and south of the equator.
LFAC: Landing FACility.
Longitude (Lon): Any line from the north to the
south pole, measured in degrees, minutes, and
seconds of a circle, east or west of the Prime
Meridian (Greenwich, England).
M Magnetic North: The region, some distance from
the geographic north pole where the earth’s
Glossary of Navigation Terms