5. Turn the Small knob cw one click to view the
Display Software Version page.
Display SW Version: X.X
6. Turn the Small knob cw one click to view the Com
Radio Software Version page (SL60 only).
COM Radio SW Version: X.X
Fuel Measure Units
Fuel Measure Units for the appropriate displays can
be selected as: US Gallons (usg), Imperial Gallons
(img), Liters (ltr), Pounds AvGas (lbs), Pounds Jet
Fuel A (lbs), Pounds JP4 (lbs), Kilograms AvGas
(kgs), Kilos JetFuelA (kgs), or Kilos JP4 (kgs).
1. In the System function, turn the Large knob to
reach the Fuel Measure Units page. Press SEL.
2. Turn the Small knob to change and press ENT.
Test Display
The Test Display page allows you to initiate a test
of the display segments. In the System function,
turn the Large knob to reach the Test Display page.
Press ENT to start the test. Pressing any key or
turning any knob will cancel the test.
Test Display: Press ENT
Owner Information
The Owner Information function allows the user to
enter their Name, Address, City, Phone, and Aircraft.
As a security feature, the user must enter a password
to enable editing of the Owner Information.
1. In the System function, turn the Large knob to
reach the Owner Information page.
System Functions