3. Turn the Small knob to select the first flight plan
name character.
R_______ Enter a New Plan Name
4. Turn the Large knob clockwise one click to
move to the next character position. Turn the
Small knob to select the next name character.
You can have up to eight characters in the flight
plan name.
ROUTE 2 Enter a New Plan Name
5. Press ENT when the name is complete. A message
will display telling you to turn the Small knob to
insert waypoints or to press SEL for options.
Options can be selected later.
Sml Knob: Ins Wpts SEL: Options
6. After turning the Small knob, the Ins? Prompt
will flash in the From waypoint position. Press
ENT to insert a From waypoint.
1 Ins? N _____ Press SEL
7. Turn the Small knob to select the first character.
1aE___ N _____ 0000 0.0nm
8. Turn the Large knob clockwise one click to
move to the next character position. Turn the
Small knob to select the next name character.
After selecting the waypoint name, press ENT.
1 aEU__ N _____ 0000 0.0nm
Flight Plan Functions