4. Turn the Large knob to the distance field. Turn
the Small knob to select the offset distance.
PTK Offset LEFT 2.5nm In Use
5. After making your choices, press ENT. A āpā will
replace the waypoint type to indicate that Parallel
Track is in use. The MSG annunciator will flash
and a message will state that Parallel Track is in
use. Using Direct-To will cancel Parallel Track.
The GPS Position page shows the calculated Latitude
and Longitude, as well as its Position Dilution of
Precision (PDOP). Lower PDOP values are better
than higher values. See the Glossary for more details.
In the Navigation function, turn the Large knob to
display the GPS Position page.
44010.11N 123015.84W PDOP 0.0
n Timer
The Countdown Timer allows you to set a timer
that will alert you when it expires with a flashing
MSG annunciator. The maximum time is 99:59:59
(hours, minutes, seconds). The default time on
power up is the previous time that was entered. The
factory default time is 00:03:00 (3 minutes).
Pressing SEL will reset the Countdown Timer to
your last selected value.
1. While in the Navigation function, turn the Large
knob to view the Countdown Timer page.
2. Press SEL to start editing. The minutes value
will flash.
Countdown Timer 00:03:00
Navigation Basics