6. Turn the Large knob to move to the next field to
edit. Turn the Small knob to select the Nav
GroundSp 100kts ete 8S3 00:44
7. When you are finished selecting Nav page
information, press ENT. You will be prompted to
decide if you want to include this page in the
Autonav scrolling.
Nav Page 2 in Autonav Pages? Yes
9. Turn the Small knob to choose between Yes and
No. Press ENT.
10. Turn the Small knob to view another Nav page
and repeat steps 4-9.
Selecting Autonav Pages
1. While you are viewing a Nav page information
page, press SEL and then ENT.
2. You will be prompted to decide if you want to
include this page in the Autonav scrolling. Turn
the Small knob to choose between Yes and No.
Nav Page 4 in Autonav Pages? Yes
3. Press ENT.
System Functions