Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA)
The elevation of the highest obstruction near the
aircraft plus a 1,000 or 2,000 foot buffer added for
safety. In non-mountainous terrain, a 1,000 foot
buffer is added. In mountainous terrain, a 2,000 foot
buffer is added. The result is rounded to the nearest
100 feet. The value will be replaced with dashes if
there is no valid GPS position, the TO waypoint is
blank, or the current position is outside of the
database coverage area.
MinSafeA 5700« EnrtSafeA 5700«
Minimum Enroute Safe Altitude (MESA)
Minimum Enroute Safe Altitude is the highest MSA
for every point between the aircraft present position
and the “TO” waypoint witha5nmbuffer around
the course. The value will be replaced with dashes
if there is no valid GPS position, the TO waypoint
is blank, or the current position is outside of the
database coverage area.
Flight Time
Flight Time shows the elapsed time in hours and
minutes (00:00 to 99:59) from departure. If the
Flight Timer is not started the value will be
replaced with dashes. The Flight Timer options are
set in the System Functions (see page 73).
Flt Time 00:07 Time 13:15 UTC
Time UTC
Time is displayed using the 24 hour clock based on
Universal Coordinated Time. Units are hours and
minutes (00:00 to 23:59).
Navigation Basics