Range (Rge)
The distance from your present position to the TO
waypoint. Units can be set as either nautical miles
or kilometers in the Nav Info section of the System
functions (see page 71). Nautical mile units are 0.00
to 9.00 nm in 0.01 nm increments, 10.0 to 99.9 nm
in 0.1 nm increments, and 100 to 9999 nm in 1 nm
increments. Kilometer units are 0.00 to 99.99 km in
0.01 km increments, 100.0 to 999.9 km in 0.1 km
increments, and 1000 to 9999 km in 1 km
increments. The Range value will be dashed if the
FROM or TO waypoints are blank or the GPS
receiver does not have a valid position.
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) and Distance Off
The airplane symbol (
A) referenced to a bar graph
shows your position relative to being on-course.
When the airplane is to the right of the center bar,
you must fly left to return on-course; the bar graph
indicates you are off-course to the right. Fly the
aircraft in the direction of the bar graph to return
#### A Brg 173 42.4nm
CDI Sensitivity =
0.3 nm
CDI Sensitivity =
1.0 nm
CDI Sensitivity =
5.0 nm
each 7 = 0.01 nm each $ = 0.05 nm each H = 0.24 nm
each 6 = 0.04 nm each z = 0.14 nm each B = 0.71 nm
A 66666
(full scale) = 0.3 nm
A zzzzzz
(full scale) = 1.0 nm
(full scale) = 5.0 nm
A single dot thickness bar indicates that CDI
sensitivity is set to 0.3 nm full scale per side. The
two dot bar indicates a sensitivity of 1.0 nm full
scale per side. The three dot bar indicates a
sensitivity of 5.0 nm full scale per side. The manual
sensitivity of the CDI may be set to 0.3, 1.0, or 5.0
nm full scale per side. The airplane symbol is also
used as a To-From indicator. When the airplane is
Navigation Basics