For example,
(gdb) i ep 4 10
• info exec-path summary
Prints the summary information about all the local execution path entries in the
current frame. This command displays the total number of branches for the frame,
the number of branches executed in this frame in the last iteration, and the last
executed branch number.
• info global-exec-path [start_index] [end_index](aliased to
info gep)
Lists all the global execution path entries for the current thread.
The [start_index] and [end_index] indicate the range of table indexes
(execution path entries) that must be displayed.
If [end_index] is not specified, the debugger displays the complete table of
execution path entries, starting from [start_index].
If [start_index] and [end_index] are not specified, the complete table of
execution path entries is displayed.
• info global-exec-path summary
Prints the summary information about all the global execution path entries in the
current frame. This command displays the total number of global execution path
entries that can be stored, the number of global execution path entries in this frame
in the last iteration, and the last executed global execution path number.
• exec-path [up][down][path_index] (aliased to ep)
Enables you to select, print, and navigate through the execution path entries. When
no arguments are specified, it prints the selected execution path entry. You can
specify the argument as an execution path index from the info exec-path or
the info global-exec-path commands. Alternately, you can use the up or down
command to navigate through the execution path entries.
14.16.1 Compiler Dependencies for Printing the Execution Path Entries
The +pathtrace compiler option provides a mechanism to record program execution
control flow into global path tables, local path tables, or both. This saved information
enables the debugger to print the execution path entries in the current thread or frame.
To print the execution path entries in the current thread or frame for programs running
on Integrity systems, you can set the required sub-options for the +pathtrace compiler
You must set the following +pathtrace compiler option to enable the debugger to
print the execution path entries:
+pathtrace= [<global|global_fixed_size>:<local>]
204 HP-UX Configuration-Specific Information