Table 16-16 Data format commands (continued)
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Command
Print in binaryt
Print in long binaryt
Z (1)
(1) HP WDB will display data in the size appropriate for the data. It will not extend
the length displayed in response to one of the uppercase formchars (for example, O,
D, F).
16.4 XDB location syntax and HP WDB equivalents
The following command lists the XDB and the equivalent WDB commands for locating
source lines:
Table 16-17 Macro facility commands
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB location syntax
Source line and code addressline
Source line and code addressfile[:line]
Procedure nameproc
Source line and code addressNo equivalent
Source line and code addressNo equivalent
Source line and code address[class]::proc
Source line and code addressNo equivalent
Source line and code addressNo equivalent
Code addressNo equivalent
Code addressNo equivalent
Source line and code addressNo equivalent
Address of name in shared library
No equivalent
16.5 XDB special language operators and HP WDB equivalents
The following table lists the XDB and the equivalent WDB commands for language
268 XDB to WDB Transition Guide