Table 16-18 Special language operators
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Language Operator
Unary operator, address of objectDepends on language
Unary Boolean operator, execution
in procedure
No equivalent
Unary operator, size of objectsizeof
16.6 XDB special variables and HP WDB equivalents
GDB does not provide special variables of the kind that XDB has, but you can use show
and set to display and modify many debugger settings.
Table 16-19 Special variables
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Special Variable
C++ feature control flagsNo equivalent
Default stack depth for local
No equivalent
Treat FPA sequence as one
No equivalent
Address register for FPA
No equivalent
Current language for expression
show language
Current source line numberNo equivalent
Debugger memory allocation
No equivalent
Display mode for character dataNo equivalent
Hardware registers
Return value of last command line
procedure call
Use $n (value history number
assigned to the desired result)
Current child procedure signal
No equivalent
Number of instructions debugger
will step in non-debuggable
procedures before free-running
No equivalent
Dene or use special variable
(convenience variable)
16.6 XDB special variables and HP WDB equivalents 269