Table 16-10 Breakpoint creation commands (continued)
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Command
Set a class breakpoint at first
executable line of all member
functions of the instance's class (no
base classes).
rb ^class::*bpc -c class
Set a class breakpoint at first ex-
ecutableUse rb ^class::* for base
classes also line of all member
functions of the class (base classes
Use rb ^class::* for base
classes also
bpc -C class
Set breakpoints on overloaded
functions outside a class.
rb procbpo proc
Set breakpoints on overloaded
functions in a class.
b class::procbpo class::proc
Set trace breakpoint at procedure
at specified depth on program
No equivalent
bt [depth]
Set trace breakpoint at proc.
b proc commands bnum
finish c end
bt proc
Set up-level breakpoint.
bu [depth] (with -xdb).
The finish command is
equivalent to the sequence bu,
c, db (to continue out of the
current routine).
bu [depth]
Set a breakpoint at procedure exit.
bx [depth] (with -xdb)bx [depth]
16.2.3 Breakpoint status commands
The following table lists the XDB and equivalent WDB commands for changing the
breakpoint status:
Table 16-11 Overall breakpoint commands
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Command
Activate suspended breakpoint of
the given number
enable numberab number
Activate all suspended break-
enableab *
Activate suspended breakpoints
in named shared library
No equivalent
ab @shared- library
262 XDB to WDB Transition Guide