The -data-list-changed-registers Command
Display a list of the registers that have changed.
GDB command
GDB does not have a direct analog for this command; gdbtk has the corresponding
command 'gdb_changed_register_list'.
On a PPC MBX board:
The -data-list-register-names command
-data-list-register-names [ ( regno )+ ]
Show a list of register names for the current target. If no arguments are given, it shows
a list of the names of all the registers. If integer numbers are given as arguments, it will
print a list of the names of the registers corresponding to the arguments. To ensure
consistency between a register name and its number, the output list may include empty
register names.
GDB command
GDB does not have a command which corresponds to
'-data-list-register-names'. In gdbtk there is a corresponding command
For the PPC MBX board:
21.6 GDB/MI Data manipulation 323