
21 The GDB/MI Interface
Function and purpose
GDB/MI is a line based machine oriented text interface to GDB. It is specifically intended
to support the development of systems which use the debugger as just one small
component of a larger system.
This chapter is a specification of the GDB/MI interface. It is written in the form of a
reference manual.
Notation and terminology
This chapter uses the following notation:
| separates two alternatives.
[ something ] indicates that something is optional: it may or may not be given.
( group )* means that group inside the parentheses may repeat zero or more
( group )+ means that group inside the parentheses may repeat one or more times.
string” means a literal string.
In alphabetic order: Andrew Cagney, Fernando Nasser, Stan Shebs and Elena Zannoni.
21.1 GDB/MI Command Syntax
21.1.1 GDB/MI Input syntax
command cli-command | mi-command
cli-command [ token ] cli-command nl, where cli-command is
any existing GDB CLI command.
mi-command [ token ] "-" operation ( " " option )* [ " --" ] ( "
" parameter )* nl
"any sequence of digits"
option "-" parameter [ " " parameter ]
parameter non-blank-sequence | c-string
any of the operations described in this chapter
anything, provided it does not contain special
characters such as “-”, nl, """ and of course “”
c-string """ seven-bit-iso-c-string-content """
nl CR | CR-LF
21.1 GDB/MI Command Syntax 307