Table 16-7 Job control commands (continued)
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Command
Go forward or back given # linesg {+ | -}lines (with
-xdb), go {+ | -}lines, tb
{+ | -}lines followed by
jump {+ | -}lines
g {+ | -}lines
Go forward or back 1 line
g {+ | -} (with -xdb), go
{+ | -}1, tb {+ | -}1
followed by jump {+ | -}1
g {+ | -}
Detach and terminate target
Run with last arguments [or with
new arguments]
r [arguments]r [arguments]
Rerun with no arguments
R (with -xdb), rR
Single step (into procedures) (si:
step by instruction)
s, sis
Single step number steps (into
procedures) (si: step by
s number, si numbers number
Step over (ni: step over by
S (with -xdb), n, niS
Step over by number statements
or instructions (ni: step over by
S number (with -xdb), n
number, ninumber
S number
16.2 Overall breakpoint commands
The following table lists the XDB and equivalent WDB commands for setting additional
Table 16-8 Overall breakpoint commands
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Command
List breakpoints
lb (with -xdb), iblb
Toggle overall breakpoint stateNo equivalent
16.2.1 Auxiliary breakpoint commands
The following table lists the XDB and equivalent WDB auxiliary breakpoint related
260 XDB to WDB Transition Guide