NOTE: When booting OpenVMS from the installation DVD for the first time on any OpenVMS
Integrity servers system with a SAN storage device, you might experience a delay in EFI
initialization because the entire SAN is scanned. Depending on the size of the SAN, this delay
might range from several seconds to several minutes. Booting Over the Network Using the InfoServer Utility
To use the InfoServer utility to boot from the network, certain configuration steps are required
initially (one time only); see Appendix C (page 227). The instructions on booting over the network
from a virtual DVD drive are also included in Appendix C (page 227). Booting Using HP SIM Provisioning
To use HP SIM provisioning to boot an image of the OpenVMS OE DVD, certain configuration
steps are required initially (one time only). For these steps and the booting instructions, see
Appendix D (page 245). For upgrades, your OpenVMS boot flags must be set to (0,0). Booting Using vMedia
To use vMedia to boot an image of the OpenVMS OE DVD, certain configuration steps are
required initially (one time only); see Section D.1.4 (page 250). For instructions on booting with
vMedia, see Section D.2 (page 279).
6.3 Performing the Upgrade
The following sections describe how to upgrade from the operating system media.
6.3.1 Upgrading the System Using Option 1 of the Operating System Menu
A few seconds after you boot the operating system CD (OpenVMS Alpha) or DVD (OpenVMS
Integrity servers OE DVD), several informational messages followed by the OpenVMS banner
appear. After that, other informational messages appear, followed eventually by the operating
system main menu. The duration of messages depend on the system type and attached hardware.
To upgrade the OpenVMS operating system, choose option (1) on the menu, as in the following
You can install or upgrade the OpenVMS I64 operating system
or you can install or upgrade layered products that are included
on the OpenVMS I64 distribution media (CD/DVD).
You can also execute DCL commands and procedures to perform
"standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk.
Please choose one of the following:
1) Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS I64 Version 8.4
2) Display layered products that this procedure can install
3) Install or upgrade layered products
4) Show installed products
5) Reconfigure installed products
6) Remove installed products
7) Find, Install or Undo patches; Show or Delete recovery data
8) Execute DCL commands and procedures
9) Shut down this system
6.3 Performing the Upgrade 107