forgotten, 81, 177, 222
minimum length, 60
setting during installation, 60
finding, installing, removing
using distribution media menu option, 39
installing from download, 157
required for existing OpenVMS Cluster members, 42,
Secure Delivery, 157
PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
defined, 331
and recovery data, 110
installing layered products independently, 161
installing patches
using FTP, 157
installing the operating system, 30
upgrading the operating system, 30
Performance Data Collector (TDC)
defined, 332
Performance Data Collector base software (TDC_RT)
compatibility with prior releases, 148
defined, 332
initializing and running, 147
installing, 67
in OpenVMS Clusters, 149
installing or upgrading, 30
running the software, 149
startup file, 148
upgrading, 115
user privileges and quotas, 148
defined, 331
PMAD TURBOchannel adapter
booting system, 175
PMAZB TURBOchannel adapter
booting system, 171
PMAZC TURBOchannel adapter
booting system, 171
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
(see PCSI)
POSSE (Pre-OS System Environment)
defined, 331
HP implementation of EFI, 188
Postinstallation tasks
accounts, 161
to set system parameter changes, 131
tuning the system, 162
Availability Manager configuration, 137
backing up the system disk, 127, 162
BAP system parameters, 130
CDSA initialization, 136
checklist, 125
customizing the system, 132–136
DECnet configuration, 135
iCAP configuration, 146
Kerberos configuration, 138
layered products, 159
license registration, 128
login welcome message, 150
multihead system configuration, 134, 192
network proxy authorization files, 133
OpenVMS Debugger clients installation, 150
OpenVMS Management Station, 150
patches, 157
print queues, 161
queue manager and default queues, 133
shadow sets
system parameters, 129
shadow sets, forming, 131
SSL configuration, 139
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM procedure, 135, 161
system files, 151
system libraries, 153
TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration, 135
TDC_RT initialization, 147
testing the system, 161
third-party networking software configuration, 136
tuning the system, 162
WBEM Providers for OpenVMS, 144
WBEM Services for OpenVMS configuration, 140
Postupgrade tasks
accounts, 161
to set system parameter changes, 131
turning the system, 162
Availability Manager configuration, 137
backing up the system disk, 127, 162
BAP system parameters, 130
CDSA initialization, 136
checklist, 125
cluster members, 162
command procedure templates, 151
customizing the system, 132–136
DECnet configuration, 135
dump file size, 163
iCAP configuration, 146
Kerberos configuration, 138
layered products, 159
license registration, 128
login welcome message, 150
multihead system configuration, 134, 192
network proxy authorization files, 133
OpenVMS Debugger clients installation, 150
OpenVMS Management Station, 150
page file size, 163
patches, 157
print queues, 161
queue manager and default queues, 133
shadow sets
license required, 128
shadow sets reformation, 162
shadow sets, forming, 131
SSL configuration, 139
342 Index