During the installation, the procedure prompts you for the following information:
• The name of the target drive, and the LAN device (if booting is served by an InfoServer).
• Whether you want to select the INITIALIZE or PRESERVE option (as described in
Section 1.4.1 (page 30)).
• A volume label for the target disk (if you choose not to use the default volume label).
• A password for the SYSTEM account.
• Whether you want to form or join an OpenVMS Cluster system and, if so, what kind (as
described in Section 2.4 (page 43)).
• DECnet node name and address (or values for the system parameters, SCSNODE and
NOTE: If you install the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software, but you want to use addresses
compatible with DECnet Phase IV software, you still need to provide this information. These
settings identify your system by name and number in a DECnet or cluster environment. If
you supply a DECnet Phase IV address, the procedure automatically calculates the
SCSSYSTEMID value. If necessary, consult the network or system manager to obtain this
• Information listed on Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) for your OpenVMS licenses. To
register your licenses, you must enter the information listed on the PAK for each license.
You may register your licenses after installing OpenVMS.
• Optional operating system components that you want to install. You can install all
components (by default), or you can select specific components from this list:
— DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (a graphical user interface)
If you install this product, you must also include the DECwindows Server Support
component. If you are not installing DECwindows as part of the OpenVMS installation
now, but you plan to install it later, install the DECwindows Server Support component
— OpenVMS Management Station
If you need to create a kit to install the PC component of the OpenVMS Management
Station software, then you must include the OpenVMS Management Station Software
PC files component.
— TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
— Either DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS or DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS (but not both)
If you install either DECnet implementation, you must also include the Support for
DECnet component. If you are not installing DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV now,
but you plan to install one of them later, you should install the Support for the
DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV component now. (The same support component
applies to both implementations of DECnet.)
For a list of component options included with the OpenVMS operating system, see
Example 3-1 (page 71).
3.4.3 Installing OpenVMS Using Option 1 of the Operating System Menu
A few seconds after you boot the operating system CD (OpenVMS Alpha) or DVD (OpenVMS
Integrity servers OE DVD), several informational messages followed by the OpenVMS banner
appear. After that, other informational messages appear, followed eventually by the operating
system main menu, as shown in the following example. The duration of messages depend on
the system type and attached hardware.
3.4 Installing the OpenVMS Operating System on to a System Disk 55